"Five stars! A fabulous debut!" -- Romantic Times***Winner of a Best Medieval Historical Romance Award from Romantic Times***“Miriam Minger is a master storyteller who illustrates the full gamut of emotions felt by her characters. Emotions so strong that you are pulled into the pages and into...
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"Five stars! A fabulous debut!" -- Romantic Times***Winner of a Best Medieval Historical Romance Award from Romantic Times***“Miriam Minger is a master storyteller who illustrates the full gamut of emotions felt by her characters. Emotions so strong that you are pulled into the pages and into their lives.” – Inside RomanceBeautiful, feminine Anora finds her wedding plans suddenly shattered. She and her identical twin, tomboyish Gwendolyn, are kidnapped and taken aboard a Viking ship. While the handsome captain mistakes Gwendolyn for a boy and appoints her his servant, Anora captures his heart and he vows to have her. To preserve her sister's maidenhood, Gwendolyn initiates a dangerous game. Will the twins be rescued before Gwendolyn surrenders to her own passion?“With Miriam Minger, you’re assured of a good read!” – Heartland Critiques
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