by Joe Hill
This whole short story is made up by tweets as you probably have understood. The young woman is question (I thought it was a boy at first, until the tweets made me realize that I was mistaken, in my defense, Blake is a masculine name in my opinion…) is on a trip with her family and she isn't pleased...
Mini Review:This is a short one at 53 pages. Hill tells the entire story about a dysfunctional family's vacation through a series of tweets. It's not going to knock anyone's socks off but it's certainly original.A fun experiment.
I thought the idea of a story consisting of nothing but Tweets was an interesting idea, but I wasn't sure how it'd work. Then again, I was at the point where if I saw Joe Hill's name attached to anything, I knew I was in good hands. Twittering from the Circus of the Dead is good, gory, disturbing fu...
2.5 stars This is a short horror story told via the tweets of a teenage girl. The tweeting format is unique, but frankly it started to get old after the first few pages. The main character is such a whiny, obnoxious brat that I had trouble connecting to her and I started hoping she might get eat...
A fast, fun and creepy original short story with an interesting tweet format.
This is a tweeted account of a family vacation by a less-than-impressed teen-aged girl. The vacation takes a nightmarish turn when the family wanders off of their scheduled path and decides to stop for a break to see a show at the Circus of the Dead.4 STARS