Biography?I have to write a biography?I mean, I'm fine with describing the motivations and details of the lives belonging to the characters I create, but myself?Really?I'm rather boring in comparison to the people I conjure up. Not that it's bad at all. I mean, I'm an author in his late twenties...
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Biography?I have to write a biography?I mean, I'm fine with describing the motivations and details of the lives belonging to the characters I create, but myself?Really?I'm rather boring in comparison to the people I conjure up. Not that it's bad at all. I mean, I'm an author in his late twenties that also doubles as a father. I've lived in Saint Paul my whole life, and I don't intend on leaving any time soon. I have a fairly normal life, and have always been a fan of horror, science fiction, and fantasy. This led to me wanting to emulate these tales of the weird and fantastic since I was a kid. From there, I have followed my passion as a writer, and will continue to do so until I can no longer put a word to the page.I have written short stories by the dozens, a full length novel with two current follow-ups (and at LEAST one more to come), and am the creator of the networking fiction project "Finnegan Straights". You can find Finnegan on Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Spotify, Instagram, or YouTube.So, that's it for me. Not so bad. If you enjoy the weird, occult, horrific, or odd, I think I may be the author you're looking for.
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