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Umberto Eco - Community Reviews back

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Sorry kids, no feet.
Sorry kids, no feet. rated it 5 years ago
I finally finished a book! This quarantine thing has really made it hard for me to read. I can't even blame my children for it. I just have no focus. This seems to be a pretty common problem according to some of the posts in the various book groups I'm in on Facebook. All of that aside, I think th...
Gatta ci cova
Gatta ci cova rated it 6 years ago
“Un bosco è, per usare una metafora di Borges […] un giardino dai sentieri che si biforcano. Anche quando in un bosco non ci sono sentieri tracciati, ciascuno può tracciare il proprio percorso decidendo di procedere a destra o a sinistra di un certo albero e così via, facendo una scelta a ogni alber...
Musings/Träumereien/Devaneios rated it 6 years ago
"Stat Rosa pristina nomine, nomina nuda tenemus"In "The Name of the Rose" by Umberto EcoAs a novelist Eco blends the style of Arthur Conan Doyle with that of Cervantes in a most intellectually entertaining way but with surprising heart, also. It makes me keen to explore the labyrinth of his philosop...
Musings/Träumereien/Devaneios rated it 6 years ago
"You cannot escape one infinite, I told myself, by fleeing to another; you cannot escape the revelation of the identical by taking refuge in the illusion of the multiple."In "Foucault's Pendulum" by Umberto EcoI've always been a keen follower of Prof. Eco's books, both literary and academic. If ther...
Calyre rated it 7 years ago
"Comme Guillaume l'avait déjà dit, il est toujours préférable que celui qui nous inspire la peur ait plus peur que nous.""Or donc, si je comprends bien, vous faites, et vous savez pourquoi vous faites, mais vous ne savez pas pourquoi vous savez que vous savez ce que vous faites?""Guillaume, au contr...
Marinebuchbinder rated it 7 years ago
Ein Klassiker schlechthin. Und zunächst erfüllt er das Klischee eines Klassikers: es liest sich am Anfang eeeetwas holprig. Doch kaum nach 100 Seiten hat man sich eingelesen und ist aufnahmefähig für den feinen Humor und Sarkasmus, der einem zwischen den Seiten entgegenweht. Und natürlich schlägt me...
Carpe Librum
Carpe Librum rated it 8 years ago
Thank God, I finally finished this book! Some of it was weird. Some of it was interminably boring. But other parts were witty, and I rather enjoyed those parts. I like the medieval Sherlock vibe, but overall I'm just glad to be done!
Tannat rated it 8 years ago
This was hard to rate. It was the third time around, and although I devoured it the first time, I meandered through it this time, partly because it was a pain to carry around. It was enjoyable but knowing some of what was going to happen took away from that a bit. It was still pretty awesome and tho...
Murder by Death
Murder by Death rated it 8 years ago
I'm not sure there's much I can say here that I didn't already say in my status updates. This book is long; perhaps not by page count, but psychologically, it often felt endless. Eco is a very talented writer if the only measurements of talent were creating a sense of place, bringing many char...
Themis-Athena's Garden of Books
Themis-Athena's Garden of Books rated it 8 years ago
Home stretch – 24 books down, 1 to go! Bingo No. 11 – the Books: Magical Realism – Isabel Allende: La casa de los espíritus (The House of the Spirits) Isabel Allende's breakout success and still one of my favorite novels by her (surpassed only by Of Love and Shadows): A multigenerational allegor...
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