Una historia de la lectura
Format: paperback
9788420672618 (8420672610)
Publish date: 2009
Publisher: Alianza Editorial
Pages no: 496
Edition language: English
The first half of this mediation about reading is good, nice and strong. Yet the book feels as if it has gone for a tad bit too long. There are some interesting facts and stories crammed into this mediation about reading. The Library at Night, however, was a stronger book.
Wow, this was very educational, a bit overwhelming. I learned a lot but also skimmed a few chapters that just had too much information for me. Overall though, there were plenty of interesting topics covered, from the origins of reading and writing, reading aloud, banned books and even the history of...
حسنًا إذًا .. قررت أن أنهي هذا الكتاب الآن! في الحقيقة لم يرق لي هذا الكتاب تمامًا، وخالف توقعاتي عنه، وهذا ليس من منتصفه أو آخره، بل لقد تكشف لي الأمر منذ البداية، "مانغويل" يتحدث فعلاً عن "تاريخ" القراءة، وليس ـ كما كنت أظن لفترة طويلة، وربما ما فهمته من حديث القرَّاء عنه، أنه يتحدث عن مواقفه هو ...
Even though I am in the midst of reading of this book, every page is a passage to scintillating information. It clears the misconception of reading being restricted to literacy(books) and moves on to this unbelievable plethora of deciphering methods for gaining wisdom and knowledge. From primitive ...
Wow, this was very educational, a bit overwhelming. I learned a lot but also skimmed a few chapters that just had too much information for me. Overall though, there were plenty of interesting topics covered, from the origins of reading and writing, reading aloud, banned books and even the history of...