by Helen Saito
I liked it.
OK, where to start...tip number one, don't read this book sitting in the bleachers surrounded by people. I squirmed so much I'm sure everyone thought I had a problem, yet I couldn't stop reading. So I just hugged my kindle tighter, tried to sit still, and devoured every single word. If I could ha...
Whoa! Hot, very hot--as in don't consume without toys or SO available. Interesting variation on the theme of a slave world. Fun training episodes, an epiphany or two, and the lesson of premature assumptions is made crystal clear. Alex is a mature male entering the slave market voluntarily, Gavin is ...
The sex was great and the exploration of consent really fascinating, but in the end there wasn't enough of an emotional draw to really make me satisfied with how it ended.
4.5 stars Under Contract centers around Alex who at 44 years old aches to serve as a pleasure slave. In this world slavery is legalized as a career path for those interested and in need of employment. After a training period they are auctioned to wealthy owners and enter service contracts for a s...
This was a challenge read and I'm surprised how much I enjoyed it. I would have loved to get a feeling of what the outside world was like but what can you do. Sam was a double yum for me!
Gavin is an ex-slave who works as a trainer for a company that trains and then auctions sexual slaves. most slaves sign up to fulfill contracts of various lenghths out of a financial necessity. This is not the case for Alex, who is looking for slave ownership to provide what he feels is missing in h...
I found this book absolutely riveting, and I can't recommend it highly enough.The three main characters are complex, interesting, mature men who know what they want (socially as well as sexually), and who are able to have conversations about their needs and interests. They make rational decisions, a...