by Guy Gavriel Kay
Series: Under Heaven #1 Under Heaven is a standalone book that usually gets listed as coming before River of Stars because they both take place in Kitai (Kay’s version of China) and River of Stars takes place after Under Heaven (but at least a couple hundred years after). Under Heaven follows th...
Guy Gavriel Kay is one of the best fantasy writers (or writers in general) around, so it was an excellent reading journey through the fictional Tang Dynasty land of Kitai. However, the editing in this could have been so much better. Beautiful passages often were made redundant by constantly repeatin...
Under Heaven has been long overdue for me, to the point when I was practically driven crazy by trying to read anything else. That's how high my anticipation was. This is beyond what I'm used to from historical China: rather than the chaotic periods of history when the land is split into multiple w...