by Stephen King
Es hat sooo gut angefangen: ein unsichtbares Kraftfeld umgibt plötzlich die Kleinstadt Chester's Mill und keiner weiß, wie es da hin gekommen ist. Junior, der Sohn des zweiten Stadtrats, Big Jim (ich finde das sagt schon alles), bringt zwei junge Frauen um und Big Jim selbst findet die Katastrophe a...
I expected this book to be so unbelievably good, as it was written by Stephen King and some of my friends always tell me everything he has written (and they've read) is pure gold. And, besides that, it's Dystopian. So, how bad could it be?The story seems a bit similar to the Gone-series (Michael Gra...
Both this book and The Stand have been looming over me since I started working on my grand library reread project. (The Stand has its own thing that I’ve been doing elsewhere; and yes, there will be a review here.) Mainly because they’re long. Not that I have an issue with very long books, but when ...
Holy crap! A thousand pages...I'm up for the challenge ;)
Dale "Barbie" Barbara is caught on the wrong side when the Dome comes down. Trying to keep himself alive and out of trouble while trapped in the little town of Chester's Mill is extremely difficult. Lots of twists and turns as the town falls apart under the onslaught of trapped humanity. I enjoyed ...
Dale "Barbie" Barbara is caught on the wrong side when the Dome comes down. Trying to keep himself alive and out of trouble while trapped in the little town of Chester's Mill is extremely difficult. Lots of twists and turns as the town falls apart under the onslaught of trapped humanity. I enjoyed ...
What can I add to all the reviews? King is a master. I read this 1000+ page book in a day and a half (sitting on a beach), and I just got lost in the characters, the story, and the well-researched setting. I didn't see this as a good-versus-evil tale similar to The Stand, as much as a meditation o...
Not too bad if you enjoy the whole "people trapped by themselves/true human nature comes out" type of book, which I do. Very reminiscent of The Mist and Lord of the Flies, both of which are also mentioned in the book.