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Under the Skin - Community Reviews back

by Michel Faber, David Mitchell
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BrokenTune rated it 9 years ago
This is one book you want to read without knowing much about it. However, that makes writing a review for this book a hell of a task because I can't tell you about the salient points of this book that are both scary and funny at the same time. And there were so many aspects modern life that Fabe...
Wyvernfriend Reads
Wyvernfriend Reads rated it 10 years ago
This wasn't for me, for me the message (what if another race looked at us as cattle, and slaughtered us like that, fattening us up for a few months beforehand) was more important than the story and that turns me off in a book. Isserley cruises the roads in Scotland picking up hitch-hikers to bring ...
Kinga's Books
Kinga's Books rated it 11 years ago
Sometime in March Craig posted on our book group Facebook page the following message:“Hello Group,At the risk of sounding alarmist, I want to alarm you all.I am currently rereading Under The Skin for about the sixth time, and I noticed today from tube adverts that the film adaptation is out March 14...
TezMillerOz rated it 11 years ago
The edition I read included a foreword by David Mitchell. Though clearly he tried not to, he let slip two spoilers. Major spoilers. So if you're trying Michel Faber's Under the Skin for the first time, DON'T get the edition with the white cover with hooks depicted. Or if you do, skip David Mitchell'...
blackguysdoread rated it 11 years ago
Recently saw the Jonathan Glazer movie adaptation and loved it! Can't wait to read this!
suzemo rated it 11 years ago
Yet another one of those "I don't even know where to start with this book"I like to cite some of the plot in my reviews, because I use these reviews to remember some of the more important points, but this book absolutely *should not* be spoiled. It's a solid book, but better if you get to enjoy it ...
Hello Book, So Long Sleep...
Hello Book, So Long Sleep... rated it 12 years ago
The story is about Isserley. An alien who has had to mutilate her body to fit in with the "vodsels" around her. Let me stop there and say she calls herself "human" but she is the alien. She calls humans , "vodsels". Because where she's from, she is the higher life form so of course, she's "human". (...
Cecily's book reviews
Cecily's book reviews rated it 12 years ago
Recommended by Paul (http://www.goodreads.com/review/show/6877332)
SJane rated it 12 years ago
I’m very happy to have had only the slightest idea what this was about when I started reading it. I thought it was a psychological thriller by the author of [b:The Crimson Petal and the White|40200|The Crimson Petal and the White|Michel Faber|http://d.gr-assets.com/books/1348171760s/40200.jpg|121002...
MissEdithSpeaksOutOfTurn rated it 12 years ago
This is a book that keeps its secrets. I spent a good chunk of it uncertain as to what was actually happening, but it's written well enough that I was happy to be lost. Anyone who has read Faber's The Crimson Petal and the White will recognize a few themes in common, but other than those few themati...
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