Ungezähmtes Verlangen (Krieger des Lichts, #1)
Edition language: Deutsch
Series: Feral Warriors (#1)
I'm torn on my rating for this one, so I settled on the rating after I wrote this. Kara was raised human. She is the Feral Warrior's Radiant, unbeknownst to her. Lyon (yes, that's his name and it is a literal name too) has "finding" ability and is the one tasked to hunt her down. So, he kidnaps her,...
I am pretty sure that both characters at some point got fucked back to life after they died. Some people say they would be happy to go during sex. These guys will never experience that end. This takes the whole sex being good for health to a whole new level.
There is so much of this book that doesn't work for me. I've never been into shifters so this is my first shifter book. Honestly, I don't know how I ended up picking it up at the library book sale. Maybe I blacked out from book ecstasy. I can't say I like it any better and will seek out such books n...
Yeah.. Um. I kinda stumbled on this book. It was recommended to me from GR because of some of the other books I have read and let me tell you I am not a fan of this book at all. I think the story could have been pretty good if they got rid of all the weird rituals and the ridiculous sex stuff. Th...
I've read it's a train wreck.Now I'm curious!