by Heather Graham
3.5 Stars I really enjoyed this one. The history and details about St Augustine were interesting and the mystery kept me guessing right until the end. In fact, I was really rather gobsmacked at who the baddie(s) ended up being! This would have been a 4 star book had it not been for Sarah, who was pr...
I have a feeling I am going to think this book is stupid, not really being a fan of paranormal stories, but I got it for free from my cousin, so what the hell.....Yep, pretty dumb.
I liked the concept of this book, but it felt like the romance was not well planned or believable and there were no real seeds to who the killers were planted earlier in the book. It felt like their identities were totally pantsed in a "ooh wouldn't it be cool if it was these people?" without the n...
Heather Graham has always been hit or miss with me. This one is great until the very end where the bad guy suddenly "comes out of the closet" rather abruptly. It almost seemed as if the characters weren't getting to the correct conclusion fast enough, so the author just throw the confession out th...
A decent romance thriller that follows along the same vein as the Dead Room as it does involve the Harrison Investigators and there are supernatural elements to this story.The flavor of the Old South,voodoo, black magic and the Civil War is infused in this light read. Caleb Anderson, an investigator...