by Mercedes Lackey, Kate Reading
Susanne Whitestone is no Harriet Vane. That could really be the sum and whole of a rather disgruntled review. (Even as I fairly well enjoyed tearing through this in one sitting.)Lackey trudges into some weird class territory here, and Susanne spends all but the last THREE PAGES mooning after some du...
This was one that I really wanted to like, but the story is so flat and scattered that it is only in a few places where the storytelling actually takes hold. Think of Snow White intersects with Donkeyskin and you get a vague idea of the story. As with nearly every novel that Lackey writes we have ab...
This WWI resetting of the creepy "Donkey-Skin" fairy tale is an improvement in plot and pacing over some of Lackey's other recent efforts, although the romance was very poorly done -- surprisingly so for an author who is usually moderately successful in that area. One star off for not only blatantly...
I can't fathom what it's like to lose a spouse. To lose a beloved wife to a child birthing is devastating. To turn anger at the lost against the newborn and banish her from sight for two decades is criminal. In this latest story from Ms. Lackey, it felt off. I didn't expect this type story line ...
This would have been 5 stars, except I'm getting a bit tired of Ms. Lackey's overuse of the "Bad guy schemes to take over someone else's body" plotline. Off the top of my head, I can think of three other books, one in this very series, that she's used it in, and I wish she would find some other typ...