by Avery Aster
Warner and Taddy are both independent and self made millionaires, but are both lonely. While on holiday they find one another and attempt to consummate the immediate attraction they have for one another. But drama is on the horizon for this Manhattanite and once it presents itself all consummating t...
A copy of this book was provided to me from NetGalley for an honest reviewI am loving this series!
Her eyes counted his abs up - two (umm), four (ooh), six (holy shit), eight (he’s mine) “Unscrupulous” è il secondo volume della serie “The Manhattanites”, uscito lo scorso 14 agosto, si prevede già che sarà un successo. Io ho conosciuto Avery Aster per caso, girovagando su Edelweiss, e ho rec...
ARC kindly provided by author [a:Avery Aster|6940334|Avery Aster|] in return for an honest review.
Hosting a giveaway at Miss Construed's Reviews for two e-copies of Unscrupulous!One of the most original, laugh out loud sexy series I've ever read. Third richest man in the world, Warner Truman has the world at his feet. Having made his fortune restoring resort hotels and spas, he is used to gettin...
**ARC courtesy of Ellora's Cave via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review**
Filled with some delicious snark and some lots of laugh out moments between friends. The author's voice was very strong when it came to the story telling and the deep history between long time friends. The overall trouble I had with the story was my lack of connection for the characters, mostly Ta...
4.5 outrageous, vajazzled stars!!Move over, Mr. Cross. There's a new hot billionaire in town! Warner Truman is hot, sexy, gorgeous and loaded. And I mean loaded in every sense of the word. But as hot and delicious as Mr. Warner Truman is, the heart of Unscrupulous is Taddy Brill. Taddy is young, bea...
I have an ARC of this... BLOG TOUR ON MY BLOG August 20th