In the next part of Neal Shusterman's gripping and thought-provoking futuristic thriller, Connor, Lev and Risa continue to uncover shocking secrets about the process of 'Unwinding' and the company, Proactive Citizenry, which created Cam, a teen made completely from parts taken from 'unwound'...
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In the next part of Neal Shusterman's gripping and thought-provoking futuristic thriller, Connor, Lev and Risa continue to uncover shocking secrets about the process of 'Unwinding' and the company, Proactive Citizenry, which created Cam, a teen made completely from parts taken from 'unwound' teens. There are plans to mass produce rewound teens like Cam for military purposes, and below the surface of that potential horror lies a sinister layer of intrigue… Proactive Citizenry has been suppressing technology that could make unwinding completely unnecessary. Will Connor, Lev and Risa ever be able to break free from the fear of Unwinding?
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Format: ebook
9781471118111 (1471118118)
Publish date: November 7th 2013
Publisher: Simon & Schuster UK
Pages no: 416
Edition language: English
Young Adult,
Science Fiction,
Post Apocalyptic
Series: Unwind Dystology (#3)
Third out of four book series digs deeper into the capitalism, convenience, and corrupt corporations angles of this incredibly well-developed dystopia. Deeply disturbing, largely because of just how plausible it is. Still some hope for the main cast to chase, but there's no backing down on exposing ...
Wow. Another amazing book in the series. I don't want to give anything away, so I'm just going to say that I continue to love this series and the narrator on the audio. The following book trailer is AMAZING, but just so you know, it could give spoilers if you haven't read the first two books. It w...
Am I the only one who thinks that the covers of this series are terrible? The books are wickedly entertaining, but the covers are just . . . ick. Anyway, in UnSouled, the characters’ sanctuary is destroyed, and they are once again separated and on the run. They know that an organization called Pro...
Ah, Shusterman. This COULD have been 5 stars, but alas. You messed it up. Congratulations. First problem: love triangle. Seriously? I just wanna say that I did NOT sign up for this. Second, Grace does not feel low-cortical at all. Other than the fact that people describe her as vague, she's the smar...
Shusterman brought out the creep factor with this installment. Once again, you're left wanting more for the main characters. Plenty of action to satisfy. I could so see these books on the big screen.