Until It's Over
Nicci French (author)
9780750530897 (0750530898)
Edition language: English
Nicci French Bis zum bitteren Ende Bertelsmann Autor: Hinter dem Namen Nicci French verbirgt sich das Ehepaar Nicci Gerrard und Sean French. Seit langem sorgen sie mit ihren höchst erfolgreichen Psychothrillern international für Furore. Sie leben im Süden Englands. (Quelle: C. Bertelsmann) As...
Luckily, this is the last Nicci French-review I had to move. =) I've read most of the Nicci French novels as I always seem to get them as a Birthday present. I liked some of the earlier books, but lately they don't seem to be as good as they used to. This one seems to be a bit moderate. I found t...
Ok, got a bit bored with the second half of the book, as it told the same story from the murderer's point of view, but it was gripping enough and I liked the main character enough to want to know what happened. Not bad
Pretty much a guaranteed good read. Starts off with a bang: a bike crash. Wince.The Nicci French team produces consistently engrossing thrillers, fast moving, sexy, but with strong women who may be attacked, but aren't victims. The sudden shift in point of view was effective, and the ending was sati...