by Penelope Douglas
⭐3 stars⭐There are times when we can blame a situation on others, but we own our reactions to them. There comes a point where we are the ones responsible for our choices and excuses don't carry weight anymore.
Set in the Fall Away series as book # 1.5, Until You is the story told by Jared. In the first book of the series, Bully, you read from Tatum's point of you for the same story. The author made it so we can read both without feeling horrible and it is nice. Jared's point of view is very rigid. He...
4 stars Wow. Definitely better than "Bully". These are extremely high four stars, just so you know. More like 4,25 stars. Being inside Jared's mind, learning more about his past, his relationship with his family, and how he and Tate left things, was amazing. I especially adored readi...
I found Bully perturbing in many ways -- the seemingly inevitable slut-shaming, the horrific double standard (which is apparently a theme in Douglas's work -- every single plot is Man-Whore vs. Good Girl), and the cruelty and violence. Still, the story was damn interesting, and I was eager to contin...
When I read Bully, the first book in the series I hated Jared with a passion. I couldn't figure out his reasoning for his hatred and terrible treatment of Tatum his boyhood friend. He had done some really unforgivable things to her.In this book you finally see into Jared's soul and get a look at the...
Dios, qué genial verlo todo desde la perspectiva de Jared, ver todos los sentimientos bajo esa fachada de piedra.Ya muero por leer la historia de Madoc; esa va a ser súper interesante
♥♥♥ 5 Awesome Stars ♥♥♥ ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●I wanted her to hurt. I didn't want her to hurt. I hated her. I loved her...● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● When I heard we would be getting Jared't POV... I could not wait! Why? Well, because, I really ...
Nowe doświadczenie czytać jedną historię z dwóch perspektyw. Można uzupełnić kilka niedopowiedzeń z pierwszej książki opierając się na drugiej. Lektura lekka, napisana prostym językiem bez zawiłości. W sam raz na jeden wieczór
Initial reaction: Well, at least I gave this read a shot. I read though the whole thing, but it was goodness awful. But I'm going to talk about it like the read I treated it as - mostly through something of an academic/curious filter.It was rough going though, and I do not understand the appeal of J...
Not your typical POV story, loved how much new information was shared. I loved Bully and Until You exceeded my expectations.