by Becky Masterman
I love a good thriller and Fear the Darkness is one of the better ones I have read in awhile. Brigid Quinn is retired FBI and now she teaches self defense at a woman's shelter. Married to an ex-priest they have a happy life in Tucson Arizona. Brigid's sister in law dies from a long illness, requesti...
While I didn't think this book was as good as the author's debut as it was a little slow to begin with, I did end up really liking it. While the poisoning of the do bothered me, it lived, I realized later that poisoning was the main theme of the book. I still live the fact that this series is an old...
Even though tough as nails Brigid Quinn is retirement age now and starting to have a few health issues, she still remembers enough of her FBI martial arts training to take down a much bigger, younger, stronger man in a hand to hand scuffle so this is no cozy mystery. Brigid did a lot of undercover w...