Untitled (Maddox Brothers, #1)
Jamie McGuire (author)
Format: kindle
ASIN: 18104607
What's this?!!! Do my eyes deceive me?YES! YES! YES! DEAR GAWD YESSSSSSSSSS!
When the Disaster series finished:But now we get the Maddox brothers' stories!! My brain can't handle this amount of goodness. I just... Oh My God, this is like literary heaven!!This made my 10 "Best Things I've Heard This Year" list.Jamie McGuire, I could just kiss you!I'm so looking forward to thi...
You Guys!!This is it! A start of something new!!I'm just gonna sit here and wait, chanting..
A MADDOX BROTHER BOOK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!NEED. IT. NOW.
Hell to tha yeah!! More from Jamie McGuire and the Maddox family!!! Something to definitely party about!!! :)Well, since I'm here alone, it was probably more like this... But in my head we all got together for the party up above!!!! :)