"Yes, it's a contemporary. The killer is not a supernatural creature. I'm talking about ye old traditional knife-wielding maniac. Yes, it will be bloody. Yes, it will be sexy. Yes, it will be scary."I haven't read bloodiness and pure psycho maniacs in a long time, if ever. GIVE IT TO ME!!!!Yes, Chri...
"Yes, it's a contemporary. The killer is not a supernatural creature. I'm talking about ye old traditional knife-wielding maniac. Yes, it will be bloody. Yes, it will be sexy. Yes, it will be scary."
She's writing a horror novel? Not sure I'm excited about this...I was hoping more sweet romances, not gore &blood ..
Is this for real? I don't care. Just give it to me. Coming from the lady who created Etienne and Cricket. I WILL READ IT!