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Ursula K. Le Guin's readers
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Excellent Le Guin, as expected. Lands quite high on my favorites list. Can't believe how long it took me to get around to reading it.
Humans are contentedly logging and colonizing the forest world of "New Tahiti" when their violent treatment of the native humanoid "creechies" comes back to haunt them. It's not a comfortable story; Le Guin is quite clear that violence breeds more violence.
Reading Le Guin’s novella “The Word for World is Forest” in 2010, it’s hard not to draw the parallels with James Cameron’s “Avatar”: an exploitative colonial force of humans encounters a technologically primitive but psychologically advanced people on a paradisiacal world, and the encounter forces t...
Venturing out in new waters, this time science fiction. Or, I should say, old waters, as science fiction was all I read when I was twenty. Though I somehow missed LeGuin. Winner of both the Hugo and the Nebula Awards for science fiction, this book is a tragedy. The author enters the minds of both th...
I'm so glad that I managed to borrow this book at the uni libary when I had to read it and wasn't forced into ownership. When a story so obviously is leading you along to a particular come-uppance, and the fictional characters are are 1D paragons of good and evil, particulary eco-good and eco-evil, ...