by Mia Kerick
I’ll be the first to admit that I’m not into books about threesomes. I just never quite figured out how they would work, but this book changed my perception so that, for the first time, I could see how it might work for the right three people. Told in first person alternating viewpoints through Case...
I can so understand Nate's feelings. I wanted to punch Liz to the ground! And I'm not a confrontational person. But holy crap, that chick has issues! And I love how Zander and Nate rallied around Casey. This was a very emotional but wonderful book.
It took me a couple of days before I could figure out what to say about this book, and I might still fail to convey exactly what I want to say, but please bear with me. First off - girls can be bullies too. It is made extremely clear in this book that bullying isn't something that only comes from ...