4.5 stars. A polished fanfic which voices Sam and Dean to perfection. The guys are on a case investigating the murder/suicide of two brothers in an incestuous relationship.Art by blythechild'Dean whines. "This was supposed to be an easy job. And now there's ghost possession and incest and we both al...
Sweet little PWP, rather good (when the mood hits).Admittedly, I might be a bit biased when it comes to (very short) short stories and/or PWPs.. I can't remember being blown away/utterly amazed by anything that short & with that little plot, ever (which, yeah, little plot is the whole point of (shor...
That was.Wow.Just wow.
Good lord... That was...That was...Good lord...
I’m really starting to enjoy these mpreg Stereks.I normally dislike books with children and/or pregnancy. But because it is Stiles and therefore protective Derek, I love it!This is not fluff. Stiles and Derek are in constant fear. Because Stiles can never survive the labor (I’m still not sure why a ...
3.5 stars
Virgins of Beacon Hills are being sacrificed and since Stiles is a virgin, he asks Derek to do him just a teeny, tiny favor… you know - to save his life and all. This might sound salacious and in many fics it would be a fantastic and totally fun setup. However despite some hot smex and KNOTTING, ...