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Vampires, Scones, and Edmund Herondale - Community Reviews back

by Sarah Rees Brennan, Cassandra Clare
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christina's book corner
christina's book corner rated it 8 years ago
June 28- 29When immortal warlock Magnus Bane attends preliminary peace talks between the Shadowhunters and the Downworlders in Victorian London, he is charmed by two very different people: the vampire Camille Belcourt and the young Shadowhunter, Edmund Herondale. Will winning hearts mean choosing si...
Perco rated it 10 years ago
I need scones right now!! This was really more enjoyable than the first two novellas. It was interesting but I still coudn't accept the fact that in his past life, Magnus had 'something' with different characterssss before meeting Alec. Argh. I really need a dose of MaLec right now.
Mandi's Library
Mandi's Library rated it 11 years ago
A Bane Krónikák három messze felülmúlja az első két kötetet. (Kifejtés a címre kattintva.)
Ndulgent-ly Yours
Ndulgent-ly Yours rated it 11 years ago
Read full review at: http://guiltyindulgencebookclub.blogspot.com/2013/11/im-extremely-cold-ok-now-that-i-have.html
Lizreader's Blog
Lizreader's Blog rated it 12 years ago
So, I had some anxiety wondering if I should continue the Bane Chronicles or not since the last installment was...To say the least: BAD. Well, I will say that Sarah Rees Brennan and Cassandra Clare make a better pair than Maureen Johnson and Cassandra Clare. This installment was actually pretty good...
jenryland rated it 12 years ago
Those of you who have been reading these mini-stories, waiting and waiting for some characters you might recognize will find satisfaction in this third installment of the Bane Chronicles. Magnus is in London, where he meets three intriguing new people: Camille Belcourt, vampire, Edmund Herondale, Sh...
magikspells rated it 12 years ago
OMG. You damn Herondales and Lightwoods are literally going to be the death of me. I wish I could give a shit about Jace as much as I give a shit about Will Herdondale or now Edmund Herondale. This family literally breaks my heart, at least in the past. Jace doesn't, he annoys me. But I love the sub...
The Blogging of a Book Addict
The Blogging of a Book Addict rated it 12 years ago
YES. When I found out that these short stories were being written, THIS is exactly what I expected and hoped they would be. Hilarious, touching, heartbreaking, and captivating, and with enough historical significance to the world of TID/TMI that it is worth reading as a companion to both series. Not...
The books are my life
The books are my life rated it 12 years ago
Esta historia a mejorado considerablemente, encontramos a un Magnus un tanto más serio con lo que hace, claro, sin perder esa excentricidad que lo hace único, pero vamos, su faceta de me-preocupo-por-mis-amigos se hace más clara y es TAN GENIAL.Y sin dejar atrás que conocemos a Edmund Herondale, la ...
willaful rated it 12 years ago
"Why I have the most paltry assortment of weapons on me. Only a few miserable daggers, a single stilleto knife, a couple of whips--"Magnus blinked. "Hardly an armory," he said. "Though, it sounds like a most amusing Saturday."This is totally a gift for fans of the Clockwork series and it totally wor...
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