by Joe R. Lansdale
One of the running gags in the Hap & Leonard books is that Leonard loves himself some vanilla cookies. Given that piece of trivia, I expected the title of this book to somehow relate to that obsession. I was surprised to see that it wasn't.This time around, Hap and Leonard find themselves going up...
How did I not discover Lansdale sooner? This was my first, though it won't be my last. Lansdale has the gift to come up with some of the most hilarious things in the tensest moments. "The shot tore at the couch and I felt pellets hit my ass so hard one butt cheek slammed against the other." I someti...
It's been eight years between the last Hap and Leonard book and this new installment. It was a needed hiatus since Vanilla Ride is the best novel of the series since Bad Chili. Lansdale brings back the East Texas odd couple rejuvenated and full of piss and vinegar. The villains are worthy of the two...
It's been close to a decade since Joe Lansdale gave us another Hap and Leonard tale. Was it worth the wait? HELL YES! I gave it five stars, didn't I?Hap and Leonard get talked into doing a favor for their friend Marvin. Marvin's granddaughter has been hanging with drug dealers and Hap and Leonar...