by Mary Jo Putney
Veils of Silk (Silk Trilogy #3) by Mary Jo Putney After years of captivity in western Asia, a courageous army major finds hope for the future in a bold woman who dares to accept his marriage proposal, shed her Victorian propriety-and unleash a sensual nature that will set him on fire.My Review: Veil...
There is no possible way for a book in this genre not to be predictable so the quality of the book depends on how interesting the conflict is...this book had nearly none.Putney does flip an old cliche in this one but in it she lost everything that made it interesting.
This is an excellent book. For those of us who love exotic settings check this one out. It takes place in India in 1841. The hero has lost an eye and spends part of the book impotent. It's so cool to have a hero who is far from perfect but just scrumptious. I really loved Ian and I think I might be ...
Too much dialogue and I got bored and started skimming and almost didn't finish it. I didn't connect with the characters at all.