Marlies Ruß (author)
Mary Hooper (author)
Format: kindle
Edition language: Deutsch
I've picked this book up a few times in bookstores but never actually brought myself to buy it. While I love my paranormal in fictions, mediums just don't sit well with me. On the subject of mediums I'm a complete cynic. But when I renewed my library card the other weekend I saw this book and though...
First book finished for Spring Book Bingo. Not the historical I planned but still a good read. Review to come.
*Worum geht's?* Die junge Velvet hatte es bisher nie leicht in ihrem Leben. Harte Schicksalsschläge haben aus ihr eine gezeichnete Waise gemacht, die nun als Wäscherin versucht, ihren Lebensunterhalt zu verdienen. Und selbst diese Arbeit ist in Gefahr, denn Velvets geschwächter Körper kann die Last ...
Velvet was my first forage in Mary Hooper's writing and it won't be the last. I found this book very charming.We forget sometimes how much more naive the Victorians were comparing to us, and Miss Hooper shows this naivete in stark contrast with deviousness of the main villains very very well. She al...
Having read Mary Hooper's books before, I knew I'd probably love this but find a lot of faults with it. I eagerly read it anyway, as all of Mary's books are amazingly researched and the environments rich and easy to imagine. Mary's characters are very vivid too, I had no problem deciding on which ac...