Genre: Family / Africa / Humor / Folktale Year Published: 1982 Year Read: 1993 Publisher: The Dial Press Now, everyone knows about Marc Brown’s famous “Arthur” series and how it managed to remain well-loved by children for many years, right? Well, did you know that Marc Brown had illustrate...
Genre: Africa / Animals / Folktale / Trickery Year Published: 1989 Year Read: 2015 Publisher: Dial Books for Young Readers I have read many African folktales and I had enjoyed a good majority of them! So, imagine my surprise when I picked up a new children’s book called “Rabbit Makes a Monk...
My wife bought herself this book back in college, having fallen in love with the illustrations and the story, and then she waited twenty years until she had a kid who could appreciate the book as much as she did. Well, that's finally happened: our about-to-be-4-year-old son, Henry, has picked this a...
Borreguita is a little lamb and a coyote one day sees her in the field. He goes to her and tells her that he is going to eat her. But Borreguita outwits the coyote many times before he learns his lesson.I really enjoy folktales and this was a nice one. I like tales of Coyote, or coyotes thinking the...
Poor lonely lioness. I wonder what happened that she has no pride to be a part of?And poor mother ostrich. Her chicks forgot her so quickly. Maybe she was a mean mother and the lioness was nicer. These animals don't behave very realistically.