I enjoyed this a lot. I think some readers got turned off by Chef Marcus Samuelsson because he makes a lot of personal choices they would not have. But I get it, I had a lot of hard choices to make while I pushed myself forward in my career. I didn't find him heartless, I felt empathy throughout thi...
"The thing about Japan is that it's a developed country and a developing country all in the same breath. It's such a contradiction." - Veronica Chambers, Kickboxing GeishasMy selection of this book is proof that I am often drawn to a book because of its innovative title. I was definitely intrigued ...
This book, it sounded so good.. It wasn't that good.The problems:1 to infinity: Brian, Brian, Brian. Our main girl kept going on and on and on about her ex Brian, how she wanted him back, how she went modelling for him, how she would betray her best friend to get him back.She gets him back, and you ...
This is the first book I read that tackled the lives and struggles of the contemporary Japanese woman in society. One of the aspects I liked best was that we also see this in relation to Western sensibilities. I really wanted to hear the observations and impressions from a woman with similar sensi...
please read my review at thebookbabesreads.blogspot.com