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OK, now I understand what all the fuss over the ending was about. I actually liked it; it was the rest of the book that I somewhat struggled to get through.
Why????!!!! I can't believe this is how it ends. Very well done, Ms. Roth. Allegiant is the third book ever to make me sob. Seriously, I cried during the epilogue. Beautiful.
It's possible I was just a bad reader- I had trouble suspending disbelief; the science part of the science fiction somehow didn't reach the threshold "fiction" level for me not to just kind of pick it apart as being wrong... I'm glad I finished the series, but I think I liked all of the characters a...
This was definitely my least favorite of the series. The two POV's were too similar (I actually switched to the audiobook to keep them straight, which was PERFECT). Before I switched to audio, I kept having to refer back to the beginning of the chapter to see who was talking. This doesn't happen ...