Seeds of a New Earth:: A Genetic Engineering Science Fiction Thriller (The Kindred Series) (Volume 3) by Orrin Jason Bradford is a futuristic suspense-filled thriller. I gave it five stars. The Kindred have been captured and held in the Sheik's Harem in Dubai. There is a team including James, Lion...
Freeform Reborn by Orrin Jason Bradford continues where Freeform left off. This is a captivating story with futuristic, paranormal events that I found entertaining. I gave it five stars. TJ who appeared to be his deceased son emerges from a cave. "'Daddy,' TJ repeated. 'She killed him. Why were th...
Freeform: An Alien Invasion Romance Series (FreeForm Series Book 1) by Orrin Jason Bradford began with the swooping of a helicopter low over a mountain in North Carolina. Pat Vogt asked the pilot, James, a Vietnam veteran, to use more caution. That drew a sly wink, but he complied. She was accusto...