by Calista Taylor
not bad for a steam punk book, i haven't read too many of them and i don't know the world of steam punk too well to judge it but i think that despite some confusion virdis was a good read and worth checking out. i would add that the book should probably be geared for teens
Viridis.An interesting book. At first it was a bit difficult to get into it for me, to perceive the atmosphere of the world that Viridis plays in. As the story progressed and the characters became more visible and alive, the book increased in value and reading pleasure. The plot was set up well and ...
it's not bad but way too slow for my liking. review coming...
70 % done.. And I'm through with Viridis. This book is just not working for me.The thing is, this isn't even a bad book. I'm still giving this three stars because it shows so much promise, and it had the potential to be totally awesome. And it was. Until the romance started dominating the story.I re...
Viridis is my first steampunk read, and I couldn’t have chosen a better book. Viridis is a great introduction to this amazing genre. Viridis is well written, fast pace and entertaining. I enjoyed how inventive, smart and witty the characters were. The author creates a fantastic combination between ...