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Vivek Banerjee
A pediatrician by profession, Vivek Banerjee is an author by accident.He lives in Saharanpur with his parents, obstetrician wife and two children. The pressures of his profession leave him with little leisure but he still finds time for his varied interests. An avid traveller, he has covered the... show more

A pediatrician by profession, Vivek Banerjee is an author by accident.He lives in Saharanpur with his parents, obstetrician wife and two children. The pressures of his profession leave him with little leisure but he still finds time for his varied interests. An avid traveller, he has covered the length and breadth of the country in real life and the rest of the world in his imagination. A voracious reader, music lover, self-confessed geek and an amateur ornithologist, he would rather walk the road less travelled, given the time and opportunity. A Bengali by birth, he has grown up in various towns of North India and studied in many different schools and colleges. He started writing on Rediff blogs where he is known as Ben and went on to write his first novel THE LONG ROAD.He has also been published by Westland in 'Chicken Soup for Indian Doctors Soul', Grapevine India in 'Shades of Love', APK Publishers in 'Shades of Sin' and 'Carnival' by Litizen.com .His story 'The Hunter' won the first prize in an National level Short Story Competition and was publishes in the anthology 'Kaleidoscope' by Parlance publishers.A book of stories of the paranormal, 'The Other Side' which he co-authored with Faraaz Kazi is a huge success and rocking the charts currently.
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Community Reviews
Sivachander rated it 11 years ago
this was my first goodread giveaway book. so i knew i was too fortunate to get this book. from the the first story to the 12th story every single one had the basic ingredient required for a horror story. its a must read book. just go for it. surely no second thoughts for that. hats off.
b00k r3vi3ws
b00k r3vi3ws rated it 11 years ago
http://www.b00kr3vi3ws.in/2014/01/TheOtherSide.htmlIn general, I do not read much horror stories because I have realised that a book has to be written exceptionally well to give the chills or goosebumps and if it doesn’t then it fails the idea of ‘horror’. Besides, once you have read Stephen King, i...
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