All my eBooks are now on line. What a thrill! But I was wrong about CHANCE OF A LIFETIME being offered free for a limited time. Amazon shows this book at $.99 and its sequel CATCH A WILD HEART FOR $2.99. Sorry for the misinformation.Exciting news: Tomorrow, June 7, 2015, DiversionBooks will...
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All my eBooks are now on line. What a thrill! But I was wrong about CHANCE OF A LIFETIME being offered free for a limited time. Amazon shows this book at $.99 and its sequel CATCH A WILD HEART FOR $2.99. Sorry for the misinformation.Exciting news: Tomorrow, June 7, 2015, DiversionBooks will release nine more Vivian Vaughan western historical romances as eBooks. CHANCE OF A LIFETIME will be offered free for a limited time. I am really happy about this, because CHANCE OF A LIFETIME and the follow-up CATCH A WILD HEART (regular price) are the last books I wrote. I enjoyed reading them again -- twice, each. I hope they will be keepers for you, also. *Vivian Vaughan is the granddaughter of Texas ranchers and Texas Rangers. She grew up on the western edge of the Edwards Plateau, where there has always been a scarcity of water and grass - and an abundance of self-reliance, a place where people don't take themselves too seriously and laughter comes naturally. Vaughan's books reflect her love of the land, the people and their stories. Vivian lives in Houston, Texas, with her husband of fifty-four years, a retired NASA engineer. Their two sons, two lovely daughters-in-law (one from England; the other Mexico), and their 6 grandchildren live nearby.
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