30 Minutes a Day Can Change Your Life One simple habit can make you feel younger, smarter, and bursting with energy. One simple habit can make you healthier and extend your lifespan by years. One simple habit can turn you into a creative powerhouse. One simple habit will draw you closer to God,...
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30 Minutes a Day Can Change Your Life
One simple habit can make you feel younger, smarter, and bursting with energy.
One simple habit can make you healthier and extend your lifespan by years.
One simple habit can turn you into a creative powerhouse.
One simple habit will draw you closer to God, transform you into a renewed person, help you find your true purpose in life, and inspire you to use your talents to make a positive difference.
The Simple Habit is Walking with God
“Walking with God” is the convergence of physical walking, mindfulness meditation, and Christianity. Walking With God – How a Simple, Daily Habit Can Change Your Life takes you on a personal journey with the author as he shows you what he began to experience, quite unexpectedly, and how you can gain the same life-changing benefits through your own, unique walks with God.
The Benefits are Life-Changing
These benefits include:
Appreciating God’s blessings more fully
Laughing more, enjoying God’s creation more, and being happier
Better understanding why some people are negative and how to deal with them
Deeper insights about why you are here; how to know and act on God’s plan for you
Greater confidence that God hears our prayers
Getting rid of old baggage and experiencing the joy of renewal
Discovering your own “static-free” communication channel with God
Reflecting the light of Christ in a way that sparks a thousand other lights
Rebalancing and calming your emotions
Generating spiritual, emotional, and mental energy daily
A fun, easy and powerful way get fit, live longer, stay mentally sharp, and experience spiritual renewal and blessings, beyond your imagination, in ways untold
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