Wallace Wood
Birth date: June 17, 1927
Died: November 02, 1981
Wallace Wood's Books
1 - A mysterious new super hero in red and yellow is gunning for the Fixer! But what is the connection between this criminal and the boy who was blinded saving a blind man years earlier?This is the origin of Daredevil and the tale of his vengeance on the man who had his father killed. It reminded...
I had very mixed feelings about The Girl in the Photo, by Wally Wood. In the end I think four stars is about right – for all my many misgivings I did want to find out how things ended, and the changes of scene and character development moved things along at a reasonable pace.I had originally expecte...
This JSA collection from the late 1970's features some fairly pedestrian stories by Gerry Conway and Paul Levitz which are livened up by art from Wally Wood and Joe Staton. Nobody could draw a superheroic jaw line like Joe Staton. Features the first appearances of Power Girl and Huntress. Worth t...
I knew MAD was old, but I didn't realize how old, nor that it had been publishing continuously. I think it'll be a hoot to see what it was like in the beginning.***Almost disturbingly not funny. The art style is weird, the few women appearing are almost identical, whereas the men who seem to crowd...
This book is nuts. I was never too into horror, and never read too many old horror comics... but maybe it was the William Castle film festival that made me realize how much I'd enjoy these, and damn did I ever.Often they're hilariously nonsensical (the cactus story), strangely off-kilter (the one on...