The story of research on the Cretaceous-Tertiary extinction through the 1980s is complicated, because so many people played a part and so many scientific disciplines and kinds of evidence were involved. Anyone preparing to recount the events has to choose a way of organizing the material and decidin...
I just love Alvarez. He did more to change my world view than almost any other living person. He opened my eyes (and countless other peoples') by providing for an explanation that transcended my ability to initially accept. Before his explanation for his comet, creationist roamed the earth, now t...
Walter Alvarez and his dad came up with the theory and then worked to find the evidence of the impact theory for the K-T mass exinction This book provides a step-by-step through that mystery - from dating fossils and layers, to the excess of iridium, to the discovery and confirmation of the Chicxulu...
I feel like I didn't do this book justice. Have I forgotten how to read nonfiction, how to take my time instead of whizzing through and getting the big picture?I know I got impatient and missed a few details. But once the book shifted from background information (a little plodding, a little daunting...
Audiobook on 4 cd'sNo-one becomes bored by the Yucatan catastrophe do they, and this is a good rendition that is narrated well.
Walter is such a great storyteller. He does an incredible job of making a complex scientific discovery very accessible to the general public, yet never talks down to the audience. A fine job of combining scientific detail with an interesting story.