Better known for his writings on photography and aesthetic theory - in particular, how technologies of reproduction influence the way we experience art - Walter Benjamin is less known for his contributions to radio, both as producer and essayist. Radio Benjamin is the first book in English entirely ...
I read this book a while ago, and the further away from it I get, the more it seems to grip my imagination, it's so rich and evocative. I found a Sontag quote about Benjamin that explains exactly the feeling conveyed by his writing. She says each sentence "had to say everything, before the inward ga...
I read some of this for a Lit course but need to go back and read the entire thing.
While self-exposure provides power, the promise of identity as well as the perverse pleasures of vertigo and exposure, it is also a means of re-collection. The past recaptured. Walter Benjamin qualifies his mode of collecting the past, referring to the process as one of gathering reminiscences rathe...