by Elizabeth Vaughan
In the third installment, The Warlord, we continue from the second book, they are entering the Plains of the Firelanders, and this installment will prove Keir and Lara and the love they have for each other. Neither of them will be tested as in the WARLORD. Because not only will Lara have to prove he...
That was interesting. As a whole, I enjoyed the series very much. Unfortunately, I'm left feeling kind of disappointed in the ending. It was abrupt and left me with no impression of what the future may hold for Lara and Keir. There should be another book to complete this story, where Lara proves to ...
The Plains, they hold beauty, fearsome animals, and a people just as beautiful and fierce as the land they roam. Lara and Keir are separated for most of Warlord. There is a lot of political maneuverings, some subtle and some blatant. As Lara struggles to figure out the Firelanders customs she holds ...
This book is just as good as the first two! This one focuses more on Lara than it does Keir and it has a few parts that will rip your heart out again. Vaughan writes some very emotional books. This book has some 'sexy bits' in it. Overall, great book.
Really, Lara, really? Kier smells like and goat and apparently you can't pick him out of a crowd... and kill Iften already! Good lord, people!
I tried it. I wanted to read what happens to her being brought into the heart of the plains. This kind of reminds me of Robin McKinley's Blue Sword series. The difference is that this one dragged too long and at times, I just didn't care what happened as long as we got to the end. It started out...