by Elizabeth Vaughan
In the second installment, the "Warsworn" we continue off from where the first book ended. Keir and Lara, are together, and are traveling their way to the plains so that Lara can become the official Warprize from the elders of their people. Lara has left everything she knows for the man she loves, b...
I'm wondering if maybe I should have just quit after the first book.I felt like Lara was just... stupid in this book. I had tears streaming down my face a few times, this was an emotional story. But everything kept coming back to Lara being stupid. Dishonest. Closed off. Greedy. Again and again, she...
Book two in the Chronicles of the Warlands brings some tough decisions and challenges to Keir and Lara. But more than that it is a beautiful story of how two people realize what their decision to be with each other forever means. There is more to their relationship than just a physical attraction, t...
This book is the sequel to Warprize and I loved it just as much! I liked how the characters grew in this book. But be prepared for some scenes that will rip your heart out. Also, like the first book, there are some 'sexy bits'.
This whole book felt like a placeholder... I felt like Vaughan retreads old relationship issues for Lara and Kier, and not in a way I found particularly interesting. The middle part of their journey, I had to keep going to see how things work out.
I just had to start right away.
What happen? Keir was great in the first book. In the second book, he's an ass. So this is what happens after a woman marries a man. This book dragged for me. I didn't like it and I'm debating if I want to continue this series.