by Sharde Richardson
Thanks, Ashleigh Paige because of you I know not to read this. Your review/rant just highlighted everything I hate in a book. Plus I read that page you scanned and . . . I wouldn't have been able to resist burning this book in the bonfire pit in my backyard. I would have just roasted the bitch. Slut...
This is one of those stories where if you don't read it right now, like right this second, you will be kicking yourself later for having waiting for so long. I'm not sure what I expected as I opened up this book and stepped into this world. But I can tell you that I came out one giddy gal!As s avid ...
Meh-eh. Not my kind of heroine, not my kind of mystery (What is going on exactly?), not my kind of youth slang, not my kind of snottiness, not my kind of book. I'll stop after mere 15% and forget about it quickly.And ... I know reading excerpts would be the sensible thing, but I cannot get myself to...
Love the cover. I hope its a quality book, because I want to support black paranormal/fantasy/sci-fi authors.