We've Written Volumes (in Blood and Scars and Ink)
Author:Please do not post my work anywhere without my express permission, even in translation or podfic. If you or someone you know has already done so, please remove it or ask them to. I do not grant permission to have ebooks created of my stories. Please leave my fic on AO3 where it belongs....
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Author:Please do not post my work anywhere without my express permission, even in translation or podfic. If you or someone you know has already done so, please remove it or ask them to. I do not grant permission to have ebooks created of my stories. Please leave my fic on AO3 where it belongs. Please also do not discuss my doc on Goodreads. This is why I removed myself fro
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Edition language: English
So this, this was awesome. I didn't want it to end when it did because honestly, I could have read more and more and more. That's how amazing it was.
And another great Sterek book! I can’t seem to get enough of these two. I need help!I. WANT. MORE. STEREK.
This was another fic that gets the show spot on where I can actually picture this as a multi-episode arc playing out. The transition was smooth and seamless with a slow build up..."Derek smelled like hot asphalt and fall leaves and smoke and burnt sugar."Also the snark was impressive. The banter b...
Oh I think this is my favourite one. (Out of the 7 I've read thus far that is.)This is a slow burn and it's not full of the smexy but I was lost once Derek and Stiles came together. Even though they just messed around a bit with no full on nookie.To be honest I was pretty satisfied with the two of t...
Because I have no willpower.