by Jodi Thomas
I am in Love with this book. I am excited to go out Friday and get the next book in the series. I love reagan and Uncle jeremiahs bond. Alex is a little firecracker. You have your hottie hank who is just a sweetheart. I love everything about the book. the emotions. the coziness you feel when opening...
3.678There was something about this book that pulled at me. I knew going in that there would be a lot of POVs and once I reconciled that fact, I was able to enjoy the story.Getting past the overlapping stories (sometimes the reader would go back a few skips in time in order to tie everything togethe...
3 1/2 stars
Just don't think this is my kinda book.
Bought it .. Same price on Nook or Kindle - $8 on 04/14/2012, but a donation to Susan G. Kommen "Read Pink".
This book is really quite remarkable. Jodi Thomas has joined the list of authors whose books I will pre-order.
★★★★ ½ stars. First, let me say this is just my cuppa tea! Love small town lovin’ – I even have a separate bookshelf for it (thanks for the name, Miss Kim). Consider that when you see my ranking.Ambience – that’s what Ms. Thomas is so good at creating, even if that is a pretty fancy word to use f...
I sure do like Jodi Thomas' style of writing. In the field of women's fiction she sits beside my other favorite writer, Robyn Carr. Welcome to Harmony was a a really nice story, weaving together all the threads of people's lives to build a community. I enjoyed the development of the characters and...
I really enjoyed this one! I would recommend it for a light read!
Welcome to Harmony is the first book in a new contemporary trilogy by Jodi Thomas. I wouldn't strictly classify it as a romance novel. Though there are several romance threads that flow through it, the book is more about the town of Harmony, Texas and its inhabitants. I adore Thomas' contemporary ro...