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As always, you are looking at these books more for the art than anything else. However, the story is pretty good in this one. The chosen one, as it were, is a girl. She has intelligence. It is an interesting mystery. It was an enjoyable 96 pages
Like Lady Cottington's Pressed Fairy Book, a copy of which I owned in the early 1990's and am not sure where it has gone, this is a mix of photos, ephemera, and fabulous illustrations. The psychic imprints (pressings) of fairies are whimsical, ranging from the expected girl with wings and pointy ear...
This is a fantastic anthology that's based on fairytales told from the point of view of the villains. It's also great for both younger and older readers; I loved it, and got a lot out of it, although I'm older than the targeted audience. Then again, Ellen Datlow is a top-notch editor and garners...
I said somewhere recently that I had never given a multi-author collection of short stories anything more than three stars. Here, I will make that statement false. It's just that usually there is too much comme ci, comme ça in any given collection. But I hadn't read a Ellen Datlow/Terri Windling col...
This story of cute little faeries helping a cute little baby was too cute for me. I probably would have liked it when I was 8 -- old enough to follow the rather dense text but still young enough to love pretty pictures of fairies. Although, I am not positive I would have liked the illustrations even...