He pulled my knee over his shoulder. Exposed to the night air, he smelled my essence and pounced. Mons, Belgium. August 21, 1914 The Germans have been stationed across the canal, bombarding us with artillery and rifle fire. I thought the wounded soldiers I treated at the makeshift hospital was...
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He pulled my knee over his shoulder. Exposed to the night air, he smelled my essence and pounced.
Mons, Belgium.
August 21, 1914
The Germans have been stationed across the canal, bombarding us with artillery and rifle fire. I thought the wounded soldiers I treated at the makeshift hospital was bad. I thought my brothers being deployed to other parts of the country was bad.
But I had no idea what bad was, and bad was coming. Fleeing through the chaotic streets of my city, I found sanctuary in the massive library building. But there is no real safety now in this Great War. Only brief respite, an oasis from the hell. And that's where I met Quentin, my wonderful British Expeditionary Force soldier. He saved my life, and I was eager to repay the debt, even if he was a monster out of the storybooks.
For adults only, contains graphic sexual content! Over 7,800 words of a confident BBW finding comfort in the arms of an alpha male werewolf!
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