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Westward To Home: Joshua's Oregon Trail Diary - Patricia Hermes
Westward To Home: Joshua's Oregon Trail Diary
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Now in paperback, Patricia Hermes tells the story of Joshua McCullough's experiences ashead West in a wagon train in Book One of his diary of life on the Oregon Trail..It is 1848 when Joshua McCullough and his family leave their home in St. Joseph, Missouri, and set off for Oregon on a wagon... show more
Now in paperback, Patricia Hermes tells the story of Joshua McCullough's experiences ashead West in a wagon train in Book One of his diary of life on the Oregon Trail..It is 1848 when Joshua McCullough and his family leave their home in St. Joseph, Missouri, and set off for Oregon on a wagon train. Though many of the other families on the trail suffer devastating losses during their long journey, Joshua's is spared. However, Joshua must conquer his fear of water during one dramatic crossing, when he heroically dives into a rushing river to save his younger sister Becky. The battered wagon train finally reaches Oregon after traveling over two thousand miles.
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Format: paperback
ISBN: 9780439388993 (0439388996)
ASIN: 0439388996
Publisher: Scholastic Inc.
Pages no: 112
Edition language: English
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