by Manny Rayner
The question is whether I will read this based on the author's dubious reputation.I see that a recent review from Kalliope made the terms-of-use-busting claim that "Manny is [...] Manny!" But are things really that simple? I cannot be the only person who has noticed the striking resemblance between ...
WHY?I loved this witty, varied and challenging collection, as I knew I would, having read many of Manny's reviews and comments before. So why did I shell out money for a physical version?Primarily it was because I have a visceral affection for the physical form of books, and, I suppose, for ownershi...
I feel a bit shy about writing a book review of a book that consists of great book reviews but I'll give it a go!These are the most creative book reviews I've ever read in my life. They come in so many different formats and styles, each one unique. They are all absolutely hilarious, witty and smart....
I've read enough of Manny's reviews, and understood a handful of them (owing to the fact that I am fractionally as well read as the author and sadly monolingual), so I feel confident in stating this is a book I would enjoy.Will you enjoy this? In a word, no, unless you are a masochist. Reason: not e...
Well, who would want to miss all Manny's review which are sometimes more delightful than the books reviewed? Sure it's not me!
"Hey, guys! Here's another book Marvin left out."Maslow, Ashley and Fanci mustered up their cattish curiosity and sniffed the book."Is it about cats?" asked Fanci."I don't think so" replied Ashley. "There appears to be a bear on the cover and it written by some one called M-A-N-N-Y ..."MANNY!", Masl...
A postmodern metatext on which the reviews are almost as funny as the book.A longer review to be added piecemeal, in collage form and as and when I feel like it. (Since I only got the book now)Oh, which reminds me that I should come forward with a full disclosure; being that the author of this boo...
The completely disinterested opinion of the proofreader.Not.**********In case anybody other than me is interested in the production process, a few comments on what you get from Lulu.I was expecting something rather amateurish that looked like it had been done in somebody's back room. But leaving asi...
Praise for What Pooh Might Have Said To Dante:"...would make a great present for somebody who's never heard of GoodReads before, like maybe a caveman recently unfrozen from an ancient glacier" - BirdBrian"Having observed both Counsel extremely closely, I am compelled to find that the market value of...