by John T. Fuller
7/27/2013__FREE on
DNF.Sorry, I just have problems reading books written in PRESENT tense. They always seem so detached to me, and this one especially. Maybe it works great with the story and everything, but I really don't care, I don't like reading present tense POV and that's that.Thanks for the recs guys, I'm sure ...
FIVE HUGE AND HEART BREAKING STARS This book was a great surprise. The story is nothing I've read about before and the characters were just perfect.Dr Archer works in an asylum and Mr White is one of his patients. Mr White doesn't speak but Dr. Archer wants to help him to get better. There are thing...
You know when you finish a book and you just stare at the kindle and keep clicking the doo-dad hoping for something more, just one more sentence, one more word even, just more ... please? Then there is no more but you are still staring at the freaking page! Just breathing and staring, and thinking a...
You know when you finish a book and you just stare at the kindle and keep clicking the doo-dad hoping for something more, just one more sentence, one more word even, just more ... please? Then there is no more but you are still staring at the freaking page! Just breathing and staring, and thinking a...
:O Wow, this sounds really good.
:O Wow, this sounds really good.
A doctor and patient in an insane asylum. Not a genial setting for a romance, but if you're looking for something a little different and creepy, this works. It seemed initially there was a total lack of interest/consent on the part of the patient, Mr. White. But the good doctor backs off, and it...
To Read Next with...Debbie?? *g*