by Emery Lord
Jonah Daniels is a seventeen-year-old who has a passion for cooking and is following in his father's footsteps. But with his father's sudden death six months ago, he has more on his plate than just black cherry cobbler. His mother has withdrawn from her family. She spends all her time in her bedroom...
"the thing they never tell you about love stories: just because one ends, that doesn’t mean it failed. A cherry pie isn’t a failure just because you eat it all. It’s perfect for what it is, and then it’s gone. And exchanging the truest parts of yourself—all the things you are—with someone? What a sl...
I received a copy from Netgalley. Emery Lord is one of my favourite authors and on my automatic buy list. So I jumped at the chance when I saw this one on Netgalley. And did a little happy dance when I got approved fairly rapidly (almost within the hour I think). When I started this one I must adm...