by Daisy Whitney
2.5 rounded to 3.
2.5 was given to me by KPSimmon and by no way did this influence my opinionWhy hello there lovely bloggy world. This is a really difficult book for me to beware. I honestly don't have that much to say about Daisy's book. For those of you who actual...
Review to come soon.
When You Were Here by Daisy Whitney is just as awesome as all the reviews have been saying. I admit to being a little skeptical but I shouldn't have been. Daisy Whitney is a fabulous contemporary author and When You Were Here will not disappoint readers.When You Were Here is different from Daisy W...
This book has been on my ‘Currently Reading Shelf’ for the past four days now. Don’t let that fool you… it only took me half this night to get through it. Life just got in the way, you now? Anyway, this book's left me feeling satisfied… and happy with how refreshingly different it read. Danny is not...
As far as Young Adult - and New Adult - is concerned, When You Were Here has so much to offer. Whitney has broken free of the constraints these two genres seem to impale and created a novel that, really, has so much to love. From the beginning itself, the grief of Danny, our narrator, is so palpable...
I read this book on the plane to New York City for BEA, and I finished it on day two while I was trapped in the hotel room with messed up feet. So...this book will always hold a special place in my heart no matter what. I read it at a time in my life when I was experiencing new things and widening m...
"My mom dies two months ago, my dad was killed in an accident six years ago, and my sister, Laini is in China trying to rediscover her roots..."Japan has been Danny and his family's home every summer since he's a little boy. Now, after his mother died of cancer he would spend another summer there bu...
I suppose you could call When You Were Here a "grief book," but I'm not overly fond of that term. It's a little flippant. Plus, it just sounds depressing. And while there is plenty of loss in this book -- tragedy and death and broken relationships -- it is not depressing at all.Okay, so what is thi...
When You Were Here by Daisy WhitneyMy rating: 2 of 5 starsSo the book tells the story of Daniel Kellerman who lost his mother two months before his high school graduation to cancer. His dad died six years ago. His sister, who was adopted from China, already left him to find her roots. The girl he lo...