A shaman's secret changes the lives of six travellers one by one as they make their way through South America...In the depths of the Amazon jungle, a shaman waits for the world to end. The secret he carries with him will change the lives of six travellers forever.Jonas, a lonely IT drone, is...
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A shaman's secret changes the lives of six travellers one by one as they make their way through South America...In the depths of the Amazon jungle, a shaman waits for the world to end. The secret he carries with him will change the lives of six travellers forever.Jonas, a lonely IT drone, is forced to go on vacation where he meets Andy, a rich Californian at a loose end, and discovers that travel may have its upsides. Andy in turn meets and falls for a Manic Pixie Dream Girl whose bizarre outlook on life spurs him into doing something crazy.While Andy attempts to save some children from the clutches of a rogue medicine man he crosses paths with NoƩmi, a Belgian beauty with more baggage than Heathrow Airport lost and found, and Nancy, who has lost everything but her dream - to see Machu Picchu.Meanwhile, Brian, a former secret service agent is called back into action when his brother becomes the victim of a Melbourne drug cartel. He decides that the best way to catch a ghost is to become one.But who is the unseen puppetmaster drawing the strings of their tales together and why will he stop at nothing to get his hands on the shaman's plant?
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